Monday, June 22, 2015

Photography Retreat - Part Three

Ok, ladies and gents.  My final photography retreat post.  And this one does not disappoint.  The family for this shoot was ahhh-mazing.  The mom alluded to something "special" for her boys if they cooperated for the photo shoot.  Whatever the "special" was, it worked. Like. A. Charm.  These precious boys were up for anything!  And they were real troopers - just imagine having 5 or 6 photographers all clicking away in front of you - they did not know which way to look!  But gosh, they certainly were cuties!  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Photography Retreat - Part Two

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had the great fortune to attend one of Almira B. Photography's fabulous photography retreats.  One of the best parts about attending these phenomenal shindigs is the opportunity to photograph beautiful families.  I don't know how Brinn does it, but she finds the cutest kids, most beautiful mothers and the handsomest fathers.  And this retreat did not disappoint.  

The following family was not only fun, but the little boy was a whirlwind of movement and excitement!  Oh, and the mom - can I just say, how is it that she is not a model?  I mean she. is. gorgeous.

Photography Retreat - Part One

Hello dear friends!

In the Fall of 2014 I had the opportunity to participate in a photography retreat with the talented Brinn Willis of Almira B. Photography.  Her work is. absolutely. stunning.  I found Brinn through Facebook (one reason to love FB) and while there are many other photographers that I follow, Brinn's work inspires me.  Not only is she talented, but she shares her knowledge.  And let me tell you, it is hard to find people willing to share their knowledge.  Brinn is the exception.  And she is exceptional.

The retreat was at the beautiful Lake Anna and was complete with a multitude of photography sessions.  We photographed sunrises, flowers, food, families, sparklers - you name it we snapped pictures of it.  Over the next few posts, I plan to share some of the pictures I captured.  I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

An Exciting New Beginning....

I am excited beyond words.  This has been a long time coming.  I am finally taking a momentous step in my photography journey. I *finally* set up my photography blog.  I admit that it is nerve-racking - putting my work out there.  Up to this point my pictures have been nestled happily on my computer hard-drive, far away from discerning eyes other than my own (well, and my husband's - but let's be honest - he is going to tell me my pictures are great, regardless.  Thanks, honey.)

So, in honor of my husband and his constant encouragement, my first blog post picture is of my dear hubby.  He has been my fiercest cheerleader and provides me with positive vibes that keep me plugging away with my camera.  

This picture was taken right after Christmas - with my brand new 85mm 1.8 lens that my husband (aka Santa) gave me.  It is taken right outside of the church where we were married.  So, it has special meaning to both of us.  Isn't my husband handsome?